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The pinochle of success.


   “Pull your pockets out, Marty. Everybody in the future wears their clothes inside out.”

Here’s the recording of last night’s 8-hour-long Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg (CA), ready for you to re-enjoy:

Thanks to Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost here’s a page with lots of other MOTA shows going back quite a way. And thanks to the Anderson Valley Advertiser, whimoch often provides as much as an hour of each of these shows’ most locally relevant material, going back decades. And consider KNYO, the Little Lion in Fort Bragg, California. Check out the schedule of other fine shows there. Find KNYO’s shiny red donation heart and help out if you can. All of your help, whether in the jar on movie night or through the heart or by check (to KNYO, p.o. box 1651, Fort Bragg, CA 95437) goes directly to pay the station’s real-life expenses: rent, electricity, water, equipment, and music publisher and streaming fees. Nothing is wasted. They use everything but the squeal.

Coming MOTA shows can feature your story or dream or poem or essay or kvetch. Just email it to me. Or include it in a reply to this post. Or send me a link to your writing project and I’ll take it from there and read it on the air. That’s what I’m here for.

Besides all that, here’s a fresh exhibit of not-necessarily-radio-useful but worthwhile items that I set out for you, mostly found in the fine websites listed to your right…

Lingling’s fingerstyle Mission Impossible.

James Dupuis plays Riders On The Storm on harp guitar.

Time-lapse Britain.

All about almost every kind of bridge yet.

25 photos that defined the modern age, they say.

Wealth inequality in the U.S.

Olivia Rodrigo – Happier.

Haley Reinhart – Black Hole Sun.

Diana Ankudinova – Can’t Help Falling In Love. This powerhouse singer is fourteen years old here.

Why are science fiction aircraft so weird?

And yet they are so cool. (Same guy.)

What do you still have the capacity to feel like this about? (You might have to click the sound on.)

Sue, bill Pat.

Heavenly bodies.

What fascinates me is how the tip of his nose very slowly and steadily moves to his left. Being relatively asymmetrical all my life, I notice with envy when someone is perfectly symmetrical, and with pride for them when someone is successful and good-looking despite /very/ noticeable asymmetricality, such as everyone’s favorite Doctor (in Doctor Who), David Tennant, whose straight bladelike nose is practically a rudder steering him counterclockwise if his head were sailing backward. One of my eyes has always been more hooded than the other, from when I was a toddler, and my mouth is set at an angle, but my nose was perfect, right down the middle, until Shelley Reader bashed it with a wood-core chalkboard eraser in sixth grade, giving it a slight S-shape that’s still here. It works fine. There’s no problem with the way it works.

How birth control works.

“I shot out of my mother like a Jack-in-the-box.” -Werner Herzog reading in /I Am Code/.

Cheerful steel guitar treatments fronted by placid, posed dog.

A marvel of old-style bioengineering and programming.

Disaster cats. Catastrophes.

Zombie on harp and guitar. Alexandr Misko and Alexander Bodachev.

Ananda Shankar and his groovy orchestra. (30 min.) (via b3ta)

How we get chalk. For blackboards. For playground games and sidewalk art. For placebo pills. For everything we use chalk for every day. One of my earliest memories is the fingernails-on-a-blackboard full-body-revulsion sensation of simply touching a stick of chalk. When I was in third grade I was directed to spend several whole lunch periods writing in chalk on Mrs. What’s-her-name’s blackboard, “I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class.” And there was a time in the early 1980s, when I was cooking in Brannon’s restaurant, that something in the Ritz bulk tempura powder gave the same horrible sensation, which lasted sometimes days after contact. Brrr. Also the powder from a cut edge of sheetrock, which is yet another substance not always related in composition to chalk base but makes you miserable until you can get it completely off your hands and out from under your fingernails (see above) with soap and water. Also, when you’re on a ladder, fastening sheetrock up over your head on the ceiling, the dust gets in your face, in your eyes, on your lips, and that is the worst. But, for something like transport into another world, like in Mary Poppins? Little else will do. Chalk.

How we get ice cream cones. I like the squeeze/hiss sound as they’re being hardened in the press-form device.

Art. (via Fark, This Isn’t Happiness, etc.),_2018.jpg

Tomasi Saxophone Concerto. Yoni Levyatov on piano and Valentin Kovalev on saxophone. Virtuosic yet at the same time twee. Imagine the musicians as Gerry Anderson-style marionettes.

Further photographs of women I would like to watch swallow an egg.

The fatal consequences of masturbation. (via Everlasting Blort)

Rerun: The wheel of urine.

Maps of where all the ships that sank in WW2 sank. Scroll down. (via Perfect For Roquefort Cheese)

Louis Armstrong – When The Saints Go Marching In, on the Ed Sullivan show.

Classic Flammarion.

What goes around comes around.

Royal Navy jetpack suits. Doo-dah, doo-dah.

Proof, in case you were on the fence about it. They existed. They were here. They were fabulous. And they were large. Try to imagine a time when the sky was black with their mountain-size ships, long before we came on the scene with our control of fire and our paint pots and primitive seashell money and flint-tipped spears and trephination kits to let the demons out, and so on.

Three things. 1. You’ll notice he’s speaking to an empty room as though actual people were there. 2. That’s his offspring behind him on the leather couch, translating for the deaf. 3. Or you can click the sound on.

Bad Indian.

“If I shut my eyes I can see everything from my old life. But if I open my eyes, it’s all gone.”

D-Day, June 6, 1944.

The remarkable Centuries of Sound project. This last week I saw a special one of these devoted to D-Day radio sounds, but I don’t remember where I saw it, and I can’t find it on this page. If you know what I’m talking about and you have a link to it, please let me know.

Rerun: Cat chase. (via Tacky Raccoons)

Mini landscapes.

Delicate tiny crank-operated nature toys.

Remember, kids.

“Kaysha Jarvis, 29, said she felt sick when she saw her two year old son Freddie land on his head.” Be careful not to poke yourself in the eye with a thumb, throwing your hands up, when the boy flips over the edge of this curiously designed play-park slide and literally lands on his head.

The story of rejected energy.

Saving the plastic bags against a time of greater need.

The Pigg-O-Stat pediatric immobilizer. (via Tacky Raccoons)

The Germans have a phrase for this kind of skin. In English it means /milk with blood/.

Or I /thought/ there was that phrase, from German class in high school in the early 1970s, taught by a real German. I guess they don’t use it anymore: milch und blut. All I can find of it now is, it was a musical band in 1993. Here’s a whole concert (100 min.). They’re good. Confident, happy, ready.

Gentle Hands Movers. (via Tacky Raccoons)

Drama queen. (via Everlasting Blort)

I love this. I’m crying like a garden hose, and I had a bad summer allergy day with my eyes today, so this is great; it washes the irritants right out. What a nice man. I’m so happy for him.

The Woodgies. “The gnurrs come from the voodvork out.”

Catfish eels. (via Tacky Raccoons) (You might have to click the sound on.)

Pluck the strings. (via BoingBoing)

“Real crimes? Oh, I actually did those.”

Filming the long-running Dukes of Hazzard teevee series required and destroyed between 255 and 325 General Lee cars. Nobody kept accurate count. Those are the low and high guesses. Somebody in the production company was tasked with having a few of them always on hand, ready to go and properly painted. That was another of the millions of jobs in those days. You could be a Dodge Charger procurer. Forty years before that, you could get a job in any radio station, sitting near a piano, smoking a cigaret, waiting till something broke, to fill the airtime. And there were thousands and thousands of jobs in magazines and newspapers, cutting up art and text and sticking it down with wax, and developing film, and typing what people shouted to you over the phone, and repairing shoes and radios and floor lamps and toasters and vacuum cleaners. I remember mentioning recently that I’m still using a pair of work boots I bought in the 1970s. No repairs ever needed. Treat the leather and they could be mistaken for new. Yet a pair of hiking boots from Big 5 that I got just before Christmas 2023 are already ruined and disintegrated, ungluable and unfixable, from ordinary walking in them, which you’d think anything sold labeled shoes would be fit to use for. As I type, I’m looking directly at a still-good still-in-use vacuum cleaner that was made during the Korean war. Anyway, here are all the scenes of the General Lee lurching briefly into the air by means of camouflaged ramps:

Rerun: “The General Lee remained at sea in latitudes of low degree.” All thirty of Biff Rose’ record albums are preserved and available free on Bandcamp. There would be one from KNYO, to make number thirty-one,  but I was wiped out from work earlier that day and I did a purely lousy job of engineering the live-on-air recording and was beyond not-polite and into asshole territory to the fine band he brought all the way up from San Francisco with him. I’m still ashamed about that. And now he’s dead. There’s a new swear word I’m trying out to use here in place of /Fuck!/, for fierce self-reproachment, and it’s Neil deGrasse TYSON!

A sculpture gallery of asymmetrical little gnomish fantasy fireplug people. (via Kottke)

Josephine Baker, slinky-sexy goofball. I’m not sure why but she makes me think of Servalan, the evil galactic despot in Blake’s 7. Maybe it’s the haircut, the outfit, the posture, the vividity, the pained/joyful sparkle in her eye. Before I had seen Blake’s 7, Jerry at the late, lamented KMFB back in the Oh-Ohs told me, “If you like Firefly, you’ll like Blake’s 7. You’ll really like Servalan.” So I went and got the series and watched it and he was right; it’s a kind of ’60s-Doctor-Who-flavored Firefly, and it was first by twenty years. I also mix Josephine Baker in my mind with robot Maria in /Metropolis/ and, oddly, filmmaker Miranda July.

What do you suppose this is a metaphor for in /your/ life?

Randy Rainbow’s latest: Look At Me, I’m MTG.

A capstan drive for a precision actuator.

Animated documentary of Yorkshire. (via Tacky Raccoons)

Consider yourself rocked. It’s too late; this intense homunculus is already rocking you. (via Everlasting Blort)

And 22.

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