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Opportunities on Lousyworld.


     “Lousyworld Colony Beckons /You/! The Sky’s The Limit On Lousyworld! Lousyworld: Lousy Name, Great Place!”

Here’s the recording of last night’s (2020-03-06) KNYO and KMEC Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show, ready to re-enjoy. (Left-click for instant-play. Right-click to download.) And thanks to Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost here’s a page with the latest show and also other ones going back awhile. And you can go to Links To Recorded Audio, see above, and hear older shows yet.

The root canal on Wednesday went great. I didn’t specifically request an all-woman endodontist team, because I didn’t know I could, but that’s what I got and was served well and gently and local-anesthetic-painlessly and perfectly competently and I’m fine, no surprises, thanks for asking. How are /you/ doing? And the kids? Oh, hmm, sorry to hear that. Sorry for your loss. I guess it’s a little late in the game for you two to make more now, but the border army people have cage camps full of them, don’t they, that they rescue from the refugee criminals? Yeah, it is weird, but there they are, all housebroken and everything. All their shots. I’d imagine you could work something out. Yeah, good talking to you. My best to Karen. Take it easy.

Meanwhile, here are links to worthwhile educational and/or sensational items that I set aside for you while gathering last night’s show together, found mostly thanks to the fine websites listed to your right:

Skynet sounds ominous because of the Terminator movies but this is delicate and beautiful and, while it seems like a design of the future, it has no designs on the future. It’s merely a kite.

Don’t look at your phone in the car. Not even at a stoplight. If you can’t help yourself about it, pull completely off the road and turn the motor off first. Here’s why:

You got something there.

Cute little rescue bat enjoys a strawberry. And has something there. (via Everlasting Blort)

“Yeah, that’s fair. One thing at a time.” And then the hover-text: /You just have to keep the spider from touching your face./

A simple cartoon to explain how not to get sick.

Fred and Cyd. (via

Savoir faire.

Victorian mother’s little helper.

What a bother every six months.

Time travel.

“You put that out and eat raw guts like Thrug!”

Men’s fashions of the 1970s. Unbidden, the phrase /gay as a fireman calendar/ comes to mind, even though I have no idea what it means. I must have read it somewhere applied to something like this… Okay, I give up, /Hey, Google, fireman calendar/… Ah. I get it, kind of. Sort of right. They all look like Ellen Fanshaw’s string of young lovers in /Slings and Arrows/, though, and they weren’t gay. Or maybe they were; everybody in a show is an actor, after all. Never mind; I dunno. Bailing out now.

A real song. Sad and sweet and easy to love. None o’ that drum machine and electrical pitch-adjusted synthesizer-slathered booshwah, though it takes all kinds to make a world.

Approximation of a square wave.


Eye chart. (via NagOnTheLake)

Toy art.

These might be women knights, from the clothes. Or maybe they’re 1970s men’s fashion knights. They can’t be fireman knights; they’d cook like an egg and the muscle-photography oil would just make it worse. They’d be like baked stir-fry knights.×955/media/img/photo/2020/02/photos-week-3/w19_RTS3393X/original.jpg

Important advice for girls. (Also click the sound on.) (On the video, not the taser.)

I’ve become used to this; it’s get-over-able anymore except the earrings and the nose ring, which will never not squick me out, as you know, even if they’re relatively little, as they are here. The makeup is only marginally weirder than anybody in any makeup at all. I mean, I can easily tell the difference between a little eyeliner-and-lipstick and this Princess Mononoke bloody-teeth mess, but it’s not so much of a difference. It’s like the difference between food with a bunch of icky fungus growing on it and food completely shot through and through with icky fungus, or the difference between random childish graffiti and childish graffiti obscured by some more graffiti on it till you can’t even see the store sign anymore. But it’s their body; they can do what they want with it. And I can wince and flinch away, and helplessly look again and wince again. And now I’m thinking: maybe this is what it feels like to have what they call a sexual fetish. Maybe I really want this and just can’t deal with the feelings? …Yeah, no. That’s not it. She looks crazy to me and I’m afraid of crazy people and it’s as simple as that. I know that I must look crazy to some people, but I can’t do anything about that, and mutilating my own flesh by hot-gluing feathers to my nose or sticking a clothespin through my tongue and/or paper-punching a zipper of earrings around one ear and painting greasy crap all over what’s left of my face is not going to help, I’m sure you will agree.

On the other hand, this is pretty cool, though I still would be afraid of someone dressed like this and screaming at me:

Meet this interesting very German artist couple via two-and-a-half black-and-white hours of their short projects:

Laser shenanigans.

Video of why not to put electronics with rechargeable batteries in the recycling bin.

The marvelous automotive future of cigars and predigested liquid ice cream in the high-speed hands-off lane. And all of it by /1967/.


A little more about the giant flying boats that almost were.




Video of why they dump all the fuel now before an emergency landing.

Paper view.

A paean to Miyazaki films’ use of sound. (12 min.)

To protect and serve. (Click the sound on.) At least they served enough to not shoot the woman with the camera, at least there’s that.

Medieval devil sex. (via Everlasting Blort)

Ghanaian movie posters.

The internet archive VHS vault. (via TheAwesomer)

…featuring, among a million other things, /Japanese Supaidaman!/ Great fun. The full film.

He’s still dead. Dammit.

Seb Skelly’s latest hornapalooza.

“Well, congratulations, Mugs.”

Museum of Automata. (30 min.)

Demonstrates early electromechanical television by making one.

So interesting. Scammers observed through their own systems and CCTV.

Pie chart of Shakespeare deaths. (Which somehow leaves out Desdemona, strangled.)

I love the kea birds. They are cute and smart and they smell nice, too, better even than regular parrots. Faintly like honey buttered toast and maybe a hint of copper and the dust on your grandma’s dresser. It doesn’t show it here, but they are endangered yet farmers shoot them anyway because they land on sheep and rip strips of flesh off them until they collapse and bleed to death, allegedly. There’s two sides to every coin, Tony.

Tibet. (via Everlasting Blort)

Bidet. “Five (5) bidets on sale that are going to completely change your bathroom experience.”

Ladder to the moon, where the bathroom is in your pants.

Simone Giertz’ (say See-mohn YEERTS) latest project: a paper shredder in a case made out of waterjet-cut metal slices in the shape of her own recently surgically-repaired brain. Also for a moment here you see the cute little Tesla pickup truck she invented, or rather chopped from a regular Tesla in a previous episode.

How ’bout you fix your machine? Call a technician.

Still not working? Did you try closing the newspaper and opening it again? Bring it in; we’ll have a genius look at it.

Neural network makes 3D movies from still pictures.


…Here’s the link he mentioned:

Neat Nazi aeroplanes.

The moon in 4K video. My computer’s crappy video card will barely play it smoothly in 720p, but it’s still glorious and you will start to cry.

GM styling for the future (1953).

“And just then, what should happen but a great big horse’s /eye/ looked in through the window! And what d’ye think happened then, but a /great wind/ blew!…” Earlier the child said, “Watch your language,” and the performer switches it up on the fly in the most impressive way. And then the music and the crowd engaged and dancing happily… This is the way people should be, isn’t it. It doesn’t have to be Lousyworld. Feed the right wolf. Feed the right wolf.


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