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The airport gummy bear indigestion story.


    “By the way, would you convey my compliments to the purist who reads your proofs and tell him or her that I write in a sort of broken-­down patois which is something like the way a Swiss waiter talks, and that when I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will stay split!” -Raymond Chandler

Here’s the recording of last night’s (2019-02-15) KNYO and KMEC Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show ready to enjoy. (Left-click for instant-play. Right-click to download.) And thanks to Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost here’s a page with the latest show and also other ones going back about a couple of years. And you can go to Links To Recorded Audio, see above, and hum to yourself while you tug experimentally at this or that element of the past and develop a theory about where and when it all went so wrong.

Oh, and KMEC needs a chunk of money by the end of this month, and KNYO could always use a little money. Really, if you have any of that shiny jingly stuff to put into radio, and you’ve been tempted to support some bloated NPR station– KZYX, for example, because they have like three or four two-week-long pledge drives every year where they have all their airpeople /lie/ to you that they need your money to keep the station going at all and keep the great shows on the air, you should consider that hardly any NPR station needs your money. They’re /swimming/ in enough money at KZYX to sluice $300,000 a year to the handful of people in the office, who, as you know, don’t pay any of it to the airpeople who they bamboozle into lying to you that they need it so much, so the nice corporate office people can just take it away from them and keep it for themselves so it isn’t a heavy burden for the airpeople; here, we’ll hold that, thanks, good job, get back to work. /Just the manager and program director at KZYX, just those two people, pay themselves all the money from all the $25 and $50 yearly memberships KZYX takes in/. I’m telling you in case you didn’t know it, which is easy to understand, why you didn’t know, because they don’t talk about that aspect of the situation much, do they.

On the other hand, /real community/ radio stations like KNYO and KMEC have all the real expenses and responsibilities and technical challenges of a giant station but /don’t and can’t/ get $160,000 a year in a government grant (that’s almost two million tax-derived dollars in twelve years), and we don’t have the advantage of the priceless government grant of control of a high-power license where a single transmitter the size of a suitcase can cover hundreds and hundreds of square miles of potential donors. Radio is cheap, so it’s possible to do it on the cheap. But it’s not free. Every penny you give to a station like KNYO or KMEC goes to pay for something actually needed: rent on a storefront performance space and studios, electricity, water, internet and phones, streaming fees, maintenance and equipment, and so on. /None/ of it goes into the pocket of somebody in the office. I don’t know exactly how much KMEC needs, but I know that it costs about $12,000 a year to keep KNYO in the black, and it’s probably a little more for KMEC. It isn’t such a terribly large amount of money, but /it’s needed/, so please help. Maybe when you get your tax return.

To donate to KMEC: You can call 707-234-3236 and if nobody’s there leave a message so a volunteer can take down your contact information and send you a membership form to return with your donation. Or go to Or mail a check: KMEC, 106 W. Standley, Ukiah, or just walk in there, where the Mendocino Environment Center and the radio station is, across the street to the north from the Ukiah courthouse, and do it in person. The standard membership for KMEC is $40.

To donate to KNYO: You can go to and click on the big Donate button. And if that’s too technological for you or it doesn’t work, mail a check to KNYO, p.o. box 1651, Fort Bragg CA. If you’d like to underwrite a specific show, or you’d like your own show to play with, where nobody’s breathing down your neck and they just turn you loose to do radio, contact Bob Young:

Besides all that, here are links to further worthwhile educational and evocative items that I set aside for you while gathering last night’s show together, found mostly thanks to the fine websites listed to your right:

A ten-minute-long essay about how to change a mind. This will change your life, especially if you spend a lot of time pissed off about how somebody’s wrong on the internet and they just don’t get your brilliant argument because they are an idiot, so you keep at it and at it as if that will help.

The girlfriend’s reactions make this. It seems to always take her by surprise when he starts; there’s a long time between, so. “I hate this,” she eventually says. She loves it.

The ugly duckling. Creepily more than just a story about bullying.


Lettuce puppy banana elephant.

Something you don’t see every day.

The Soviet future in space.

How to not drop your B-25 on its nose. “Propellers are expensive. You can’t just replace them like matchsticks.”

When to start your B-29’s putt-putt and not before.

How to do the Balducci Levitation trick in your socks. (You’ll have to turn the sound all the way up.)



The music goes back and forth, and it comes out here.


How to catch the infuriating zippy sled thing.

So unfair. Stop teasing it.

Or tease it.

Or whatever. (There’s no sound on this.)

This person does not exist. (Press F5 key or refresh button for new AI-generated realistic person.) But they’re all attractive because, so far, the system generates perfectly left-right-symmetrical faces. They’ll have that fixed in a couple of days, and the people will look a little more smooshed and lopsided and normal. Also an occasional demented tattoo or nose plug or zipper of earrings across an eyebrow would repel unwanted sexual attraction, as in real life.

Friend: “Wow you have gotten prettier. What have you been doing?” Me: “I closed my mouth.”

The wheel of emotion. Wheels within wheels.

Rerun: Extrapolate.

This idea is from a science fiction story I read in the 1980s. I can’t remember who wrote it, but it’s so close. And the trailer for this movie pushes all my buttons. Wait, several stories use this. One was by Spider Robinson, I remember that much. It’s a good thing the man is a musician, because none of it could happen otherwise.

“If man is dead, everything is possible.”

Two fine men.

Incel From Another Planet.

Where terrorist organizations and crazy armies of children and criminals and murderers and suicides and so on get all their guns.


Incipient Sympathy.

These are brand-new motorcycles made in the style of ancient ones and painted to look old. They even made a Flying Merkel.

All about moss. 25 min. “Okay, now it’s time to put the moss on. It’s kind of like putting on a kimono.” “Oh, I’ve made a total balls-up of this.”

Looks like Nevada, except all poisonous and vacuumy.

So many abandoned building interiors of Europe seem to be colored like a Wes Anderson movie. Maybe that’s the secret.

The three big tech innovations in film. Starting with film.

Joanna Connor, genius slinky-finger bluesmaster, playing in somebody’s side yard for an audience of like fourteen people.

The Mills Bros. The Old Man of the Mountain. The microphone is eye-catching. I’ll be making one just like that.

This might be where the timelines diverged. If we had stayed on the original timeline we’d have self-sufficient cities in space by now, enough to send a few off to colonize other star systems. But no.

I don’t think you’ll be surprised to learn that owls float like styrofoam.

And I don’t think you’ll be surprised to learn that a great deal of this entire genre of art (dance in film) was fueled by amphetamine. It killed Carmen Miranda. Stopped her heart like a hammer.

Why it’s better to have the gas cap on the left.


Some more beautiful old cars. The gallery ends with the Talbot-Lago teardrop car.

Traffic solutions compared.

Let’s deploy to production.

An analogy for so much, big and small.

Ragg Mopp. R-A-G-G M-O-P-P, ragg mopp.

What if he did? What if he didn’t? What if the world was made of pudding?

And the /Danny Boy/ scene in /Miller’s Crossing/. Satisfying, but I count like 300 shots out of that one tommygun, and that’s several times too many. Still.

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