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Baby Huey at the Grand Guignol.


     “I made this half-pony-half-monkey monster to please you, but I get the feeling that you don’t like it. What’s with all the screaming! You like ponies, you like monkeys. Maybe you don’t like monsters so much… Maybe I used too many monkeys… Isn’t it enough to know I ruined a pony, making a gift for you!” -Jonathan Coulton to lovely captive guest, deep inside Skullcrusher Mountain

Here’s the recording of last night’s Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg (CA), ready for you to re-enjoy:


Thanks to Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost here’s a page with plenty of other ones going back quite a way. And thanks to the Anderson Valley Advertiser, which always provides about an hour of each of my Friday night shows’ most locally relevant material without asking for anything in return, going back decades. And tiny bravely struggling KNYO itself. It’d be so sweet if you’d find the big red donation heart there and help the station out with twenty or more. Or buy some naturally healthy KNYO hot sauce. (“It’s toasted!”)

Here’s a link to my dream journal project that I restarted a couple of years ago and have been keeping up– not like the old days but at least a post of several dreams each week. The latest post is always on top. (I have a batch of dreams from this week that I’ll proofread and post by Sunday night.)

Last night’s Halloween show has poetry, educational material, song and story, all in the miasma of shivery uncomfortable awkwardness that you’ve come to expect. I want to mention specifically Paul Modic’s memoir, Muncie Memories, Mike Sears’ snarky want ad for the woman of his dreams, Ezekiel Krahlin’s tale of the dance of crackhead scammer and dog-sitting scammee, and my own true Halloween-time story from 1999, of picking up a miserable schizophrenic and/or drug-fizzing hitchhiker and her half-a-carload of belongings including a live yowling kitten in a bag, and spiraling down into a nightmare of exhausting compassion for such an erratic mechanism; second-to-worst night, and longest night, of my fortunate, lucky life, and, as they used to say in Pathe Films: You are there.

BESIDES ALL THAT, here are some not-necessarily-radio-useful but worthwhile items that I set aside for you while gathering the show together, found mostly thanks to the fine websites listed to your right.


Indonesia from the air.

Slow Roads web game.

Night of the living dread.

Wilkinson’s Family Restaurant.

The story of Deadsy.

The Marconi 707.

Horrible horror of the “irrigation system sprinkler valve air pressure hissing sound”!

This is just like fights of people bitching at each other on the MCN Announce listserv, each one in the right and everyone else in the wrong, of course, and apparently no-one able to see the situation from above, say, /Who cares?/ and get going in a better direction.

I think the last time I could scream like this guy, at so high a pitch, must have been when I was four or five. But I didn’t, really. I squeaked. My grandmother told me, “Pear shaped tones.” I said, “What does that mean?” She said, “Peeaaar shaaaaaped tohnns.” I went to my mother and said, “Gramma says, “Peeeaaar shaaaaped tohnns. What does that mean?” My mother said, “She means /don’t squeak/, honey.” Also, when I went to get my flu shot this week there was a family waiting in the room, with several small children, two of them repeatedly shriek-squeaking like fingernails on a blackboard cranked up to eleven. That sound could wither plants. I really like the newslady in the video. She has the right attitude and an infectious giggle.

Speaking of five.

They’ve got a brand-new pair or roller skates. They don’t say how much, but I’ll guess the keys to a pair of these skates runs at least a couple thousand dollars. Compare them to a ten-dollar thrift-store bicycle that goes three times faster and is way safer. Wheels that small, a single tiny pebble can send you ass-over-teakettle (the term used in the industry).

Pat’s dogs! Pat’s chili dogs! Pat’s dogs! Pat’s chili dogs! Band interview: “I barely have any memory of it. We just kind of pulled up, and it was the first time we had done anything like that, and before I knew it, it was over.” That’s what she said.

“One of the more original illusionists in the history of legerdemain, The Great Virgil! And his lovely assistant Julie!”

Scroll down and down. Who /is/ that lady? Well, she was Maria Snoeys-Lagler. She really liked to pose stage-right. Walter Matthau! She got to stand next to Walter Matthau! Finally, after all those lesser lights.

An exhaustive history of Halloween. (100 min.)

The inventions. (via Everlasting Blort)

“You know, the mainspring of our nation, wound up as tight as it is, is guaranteed for the life of the watch.”

Rerun: Shocking! (via NagOnTheLake)

Rerun: Stop. Continue.

Tomorrow’s radio farmer.

Crazy eyes.


“Can you even imagine way back in the time when they thought thunder was caused by angry gods fighting on top of a mountain?”

Teasing the shredder.

Metal music. (via Everlasting Blort) (You might have to click the sound on.)

Cultural appropriation. Mongolian (or perhaps Inuit) throat-singing on the intercom at work. (via Everlasting Blort)

“And with a thundering roar, and twelve million in public money, the 130-ton Brabazon Behemoth takes the air!”

This is a real aeroplane in the real world, that makes me think of Studio Ghibli films. It’s so wonderful and sails so slowly and majestically. That’s flying. Next to that, the helicopter filming it is an ear-splitting, bone-shaking, air-clawing abomination whose mere downdraft threatens the motorized kite.

There’s a part in the video where you’ll jump /WHOA!/ and throw your hands up in the air. Hint: it’s when the cops shoot their spark weapons at a fleeing man and hit him in the backpack that has a gallon of gasoline in it, for his motorcycle.

Counterfeit forever stamps flood the market.

Speaking of flooding.

Engine trouble.

Power lines are the main thing I worry about when flying in dreams.

And here’s a much cheaper-to-produce and far steadier video of essentially the same ride. You can skip ahead to 17:15.


Naked Vegas.


Crackup of ants on bikes.


Rerun: Size.

NASA’s galaxy of horrors!

The nightmare of production of The Wizard of Oz.

The little boy at 3:25. The little girl at 5:50. The woman at 6:35. The girl at 8:06. Oh, heck, all of them. I’ve seen several videos of this sort of thing before. Clearly it’s overwhelming to hear for the first time, expecially to hear one’s own voice. It’s very common for the person to hide their face in their hands and sob, and I cry right along with them.


And a drummer, drumming. Rented a tent, a tent, a tent. Rented a tent, a tent.


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