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Bunnyrabbits, Satan, cheese and milk. CHEESE AND MILK.


     “Verba volant, scripta manent.”

Here’s the recording of last night’s Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg (CA), ready for you to re-enjoy:


Thanks to Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost here’s a page with plenty of other ones going back quite a way. And thanks to the Anderson Valley Advertiser, which always provides about an hour of each of my Friday night shows’ most locally relevant material without asking for anything in return, going back decades. And tiny bravely struggling KNYO itself. Find the big red donation heart there and put twenty or more toward sorely needed replacement equipment. Or don’t. I don’t wanta put any pressure on you to do the right thing and have you get all panicky and sprain your clicking finger. Take a breath. You’re okay.

Here’s a link to my dream journal project that I restarted a couple of years ago and have been keeping up– not like the old days but at least a post of several dreams each week. The latest post is always on top.

Last night’s show had and has new features that you’ll discover, as well as the poetry of Louis C.K. and Caitlin Johnstone and my mother Evelina, stories by Paul Modic of Laytonville, Bruce Anderson, Sebastian Iturralde, Ted Chiang, Chelsea Manning, Ezekiel Krahlin; two chapters of both No More My Echoing Song by Clifford Allen Sanders and Kent Wallace’s new book, a work in progress: Mister Westerner. Speaking of whom, Kent Wallace called to talk about the importance of pronunciation, and about the ongoing Vietnamese diaspora, an ancient Greek word for breathing out, and then breathing its young population back in again with a little money saved up, which makes a sound in both directions, like a giant harmonica, from the Latin: harmonicus. Rounded to a close with the earliest surviving recording of the Green Hornet radio series, in all its barking and shouting and seminal radio karate chop sound effects, not to mention the roar of the Black Beauty, safe at speeds beyond any normal automobile, partly because of Kato’s driving skill but also its enormous power. The engine is fully two-thirds of the car, like a Gee Bee airplane. Kato has to sit on a telephone book to see over it. (This was 25 years before teevee’s disappointing version of the Black Beauty.) I’ll play some more from the original radio serial in future shows.

FURTHERMORE, here are some not-necessarily-radio-useful but worthwhile items that I set aside for you while gathering the show together, found mostly thanks to the fine websites listed to your right.


Native land and languages. Move around. Zoom in.

This website uses A.I. to generate a title, a plot, and an impressive poster for a brand-new imaginary movie every time you refresh it. And you can save the posters and synopses as links.

The Flight That Disappeared. (Full film, 72 min.)

Queen of Outer Space! “Vimmen can’t be heppy vithout man.” “You’re so right, baby.” Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eric Fleming… with Laurie Mitchell as Queen Yllana.. (Full film, 100 min)

I’ve been out of the Doctor Who loop for two years, but I’m about to get back in.

Don’t blink. (via Everlasting Blort)

Play Kung Fu Chess online, a game engineered by the writer/artist of Existential Comics.

Priceless cultural antiquities, where they have all got off to, and why nobody whose great-great-great-plus-grandfather stole them has to give them back.

That’s who I was at that age, right there. And then, overcome with embarrassment immediately afterward, I would have dived under the table or fled to hide in the bathroom or out back of the restaurant behind a shrub. My grandparents’ Italian restaurant. Other than those and that, the same kid. (via TackyRaccoons) (You might have to click the sound on.)

Things that washed up dead in Texas. That I was born to see. Nobody ever smelled them, not half as much as me. (via Fark)

How we get scientific names of animals.

My dinner with g’Melb-natz.

John Hartford simultaneously plays banjo, tapdances on plywood, and sings his song /Gentle On My Mind/. (via David Gurney)


Crazy Dolls and the Bollocks (live).

Art plus gloves equals art gloves. (via Everlasting Blort)

Don’t. (via NagOnTheLake)



Talk to books. Go on, don’t be shy. (via NagOnTheLake)

Bunnyrabbits, Satan, cheese and milk.

Back to the salt mine.

Road space comparison.

Forty minutes of 1972 teevee ads. (via Everlasting Blort)

Polish pulpits. (via Everlasting Blort)

Buster Keaton. I never saw this particular film of his before. It’s entirely new to me. Also, looking it up to learn more about it, I discovered that I’ve been all wrong all my life about Michael Keaton and Diane Keaton being brother and sister, children of Buster Keaton. Though it is still true that Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister, as are Danny and Jenna Elfman, Peter and Jane Fonda, Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal, and so on. They’re all still alive. Buster died in 1966 of lung cancer from cigarets and asbestos.

I like the way Mickey Rooney looks at the flexible girl not with coarse lust but with calm admiration and respect, including of course the healthy young man’s /that’s for me!/ component. Just a small motion of his head as his imagination goes to work on what he’s seeing and what it implies. He is us. He is the viewer beholding a marvel. (via Everlasting Blort)

British gospel rock. (via Everlasting Blort)

Future generations, if there are future generations, a poem by Caitlin Johnstone. (via Ezekiel Krahlin)


Okay, these people are the all-time winners. Everyone else can give up.

Getting while the getting is good. (via Everlasting Blort)

A.I.-illustrated Thriller.


A.I.-generated Halloween candy.

“What is this dude training for?” A fair question, but why assume he’s training for anything. Can’t a person just enjoy himself anymore? Maybe this is his happy-dance, where he just got off the phone with his wife, or something, and she’s pregnant with twins and he’s thrilled and can’t contain himself. (via Everlastiing Blort)

And zero to 62mph (100kmph) in less than 1.5 seconds. You can’t even fall 40 feet in that time. If you fall for 1.5 seconds you’re only going 30 miles an hour at the end. This is that much faster than the acceleration of gravity. Vehicle tech is leaps and bounds beyond our ability to think and steer anymore. I remember a science-fiction story set in a future where it’s a capital offense to take over from your car and drive it yourself, because you can’t anymore. They catch two boys who went out joyriding in a car with the car’s driving brain disconnected, and they have a five-minute court trial, execute them and recycle their reckless and foolhardy remains.

600 years of science illustrations.

Wildlife photography winners.

For fans of hands.

And an ad for Three Hands Washing Up Liquid. You see here something I’ve read about but didn’t think was real: British people don’t rinse the soap off the dishes. They put them up to drip dry with the soap still on them. Bleagh. Or maybe the soap is edible there. Maybe it tastes like delicious gum. I got some dish soap from the dollar store once that smelled a little like green apple gum, but it was still poison, though maybe not for Brits because of a genetic quirk. I have personal experience that rats can eat half a bar of hand soap and they like it and it doesn’t hurt them, so maybe this is like that.

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